Saturday, March 8, 2008

We weren't really sure what to expect when we walked into the this one... about all that I remembered from the previews is that it mixed animation and real life... well by real life I mean breathing humans... because it wasn't realistic at all. Anyhow, another brilliant Disney fairytale. It's very funny and though it resurrects many of the old fairytales (snow white, cinderella, etc.) it seemed fresh. 7 out of 10.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mustache March

It's March people! Holy smokes!

One time Trevor told us about how his entire squadron (or maybe the entire Air Force) did/does something called Mustache March. Well, this March I decided to do the same. It turns out that this works out perfectly at BYU, where a mustache is the only sort of facial hair allowed. And so me and few of my closest facebook friends are growing mustaches in honor of this mustache-y month.

We're only 4 days into it, but I can already tell that it probably won't turn out so well. I think Trevor had the same problem. At this point its about 10-15% dark whiskers and about 85-90% peach... or shall we say blond... hahaha. This picture really doesn't do it justice... I promise its there.