Monday, October 6, 2008

New Stuff

As of late I've had urges to do things that I haven't done in a long time/ever. The first one is fruit. I love it. I have never bought more fruit in my life. I still hate eating apples like normal people do... so I cut them up like you would for a kid... in wedges! Yum. Also bananas. And mangos if they're cheap.
Another one that came out of nowhere... I'm finally using the library for the reason it was built. Books! I think I've read five or six novels in the past three or four weeks. Mostly mystery type stuff... Dean Koontz, Dan Brown. I got this cool looking book called The Invention of Hugo Cabret. The guy that wrote it is an illustrator for children's books and about half of this book was told through pictures (500+ pages, 230 or so original illustrations). I was really hoping that it would surprise me, but it ended up being kind of lame. I'm now reading a book by Jules Verne... The Begum's Millions. So far, so good. Kind of weird that these last two have been by French authors. Idk?
The strangest urge has been running. I get ganas (sorry non-spanish speakers, theres no better word for it...) usually at night to go running. I've set the goal to start at a mile and do it at least thrice a week. So I went and bought some running shoes and went Saturday after Priesthood (sweet meeting btw). It was miserable half the time, but the iPod helps and I haven't yet given up. We'll see how that goes.
I'm trying to keep up with statistics (whose idea was this?), but beyond that, things couldn't get much better.


The Weinert's said...
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The Weinert's said...

There is nothing strange with a good run. The vast majority of the world's masses don't know the relaxation and satisfaction (and soreness) that results from a good run. My brother Brad is blossoming into a beautiful flower! Ha.